Staff Picks - Aryeh Grossman

Staff Picks - Aryeh Grossman

Aryeh Grossman works as Project Executive where he oversees long term projects at Koren Publishers, looking at the vision and plan for the company over the next few years. Although...
  • Mar.17.2019
Author Q&A-Rabbi David Brofsky

Author Q&A-Rabbi David Brofsky

Rabbi Brofsky's new book, Hilkhot Avelut, has just been released! Rabbi Brofsky is also the author of Hilkhot Moadim also published by Maggid Books. Koren Publishers: Tell us about your...
  • Mar.10.2019
Learning the Koren Talmud Bavli with Aaron

Learning the Koren Talmud Bavli with Aaron

Introducing a new feature to the Koren blog; Learning the The Noé Edition Koren Talmud Bavli with YOU! Each post in this installment will feature Koren Talmud Bavli users and...
  • Mar.03.2019
Author Interview-Miriam Feinberg Vamosh

Author Interview-Miriam Feinberg Vamosh

Miriam Feinberg Vamoshis the author of several informative, illustrated books about ancient times in the Holy Land that have been translated into more than 30 languages. Her love affair with...
  • Feb.24.2019
Presidents Day and the Talmud

Presidents Day and the Talmud

The Enyclopaedia Britannica defines this American national holiday as: Presidents’ Day, officiallyWashington’s Birthday, in theUnited States,holiday(third Monday in February) popularly recognized as honoringGeorge WashingtonandAbraham Lincoln. The day is sometimes understood...
  • Feb.17.2019
Staff Picks- Tomi Mager

Staff Picks- Tomi Mager

The Koren Publishers’ Newsletteris excited to announce a new monthly feature; Staff Picks. Every month a different member of our team will tell us about some of their favorite titles...
  • Feb.11.2019
Children's Tefilla at Koren

Children's Tefilla at Koren

Looking for the right siddur for a child in your life? Are you a parent/teacher/camp counselor and struggling to get your child to connect to prayer? Maybe you heard about...
  • Feb.04.2019
Football and Talmud?

Football and Talmud?

The short answer is obviously no. There is no mention of the the "big game" in the Talmud as American Football had not yet been invented. However, we did find...
  • Jan.31.2019
10 Things You Didn’t Know About Koren

10 Things You Didn’t Know About Koren

Koren is Not a New Company – We’ve Been Around Since 1961! Koren Publishers Jerusalemis an Israeli publisher of Jewish religious texts established in 1961 byEliyahu Koren, with the aim...
  • Jan.27.2019
The Talmudic Foundations of Social Justice-Learning in Honor of MLK Day

The Talmudic Foundations of Social Justice-Learning in Honor of MLK Day

A Street in Jerusalem, Israel Perhaps it is not a coincidence that the Torah readings from the first chapters of Exodus always coincide with Martin Luther King Jr.’s birthday. As...
  • Jan.20.2019

Showing 51 - 60 of 85 results