Showing 1 - 24 of 36 result

Understanding Halakhah requires appreciating the subtle interplay betweentimeless principles and complex, ever-changing realities. The contemporarystudent of...

Communication technology and social media saturate our lives. Torah in aConnected World offers a Torah perspective...

In Mimini Mikhael, Rabbi Dr. Michael Rosensweig offers a rigorous and insightful treatment of the core...

This volume is a collection of essays on aggadic, halakhic, ethical, and spiritual themes by Rabbi...

In this groundbreaking book, Rabbi Aviad Tabory addresses major halakhic issues that have confronted the State of...

The Erez Series is comprised of the Concise Guides to the full gamut of Jewish thought,...

Abortion, stem-cell research, conversion standards, female rabbis, DNA testing, animal cruelty, civil marriages in Israel. While...

As the rabbi of a Sephardic synagogue for over twenty years, Rabbi Haim Jachter, who is...

In this novel and innovative work, Rabbi Dr Edward Reichman traces the medical understanding of anatomy,...

Addressed by Yoatzot Halakha (translated from the Hebrew edition)This book was born following seventeen years of...

Rav Kook’s philosophical introduction to shemitta (in Hebrew and English) and selections from his halakhic writings...

By the time of his death at age 31, Rabbi Eitam Henkin Hy”d had authored over...

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This is a Hebrew title: What is the significance of the lulav, sukkah, and shofar in...

In this volume, the second in the Avo Beitekha responsa series, Rabbis David and Avraham Stav...

This is a Hebrew title: How did I guide an educational institution that accidentally purchased non-kosher...

The Erez Series, A Concise Guide to Halakha is a brief, modern presentation of practical halakha...

Hebrew Edition During the past 20 years, Women Halachic Consultants have provided responses/answers to tens of thousands...

Available in Hebrew Only הרב יחיאל מיכל עפשטיין מנובהרדוק נחשב עד היום בעיני רבים 'פוסק אחרון',...

HEBREW EDITION One of the most fraught points of interaction between Jewish law and modern life...

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This concise and useful work on hilkhot kashrut is specially crafted for the modern Jewish home....

This book integrates halakhic, conceptual, philosophical, and historical analysis as it presents the laws of mourning....

The Laws of Cooking and Warming Food on Shabbat is a comprehensive presentation of hilkhot bishul and...

Responding to a need for our generation, The Concise Code of Jewish Law is a modern and up-to-date...

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Available in Israel Only on פנים אל פנים מציג קריאות עומק של שתים־עשרה אגדות חז"ל,...

Showing 1 - 24 of 36 result