Showing 1 - 24 of 67 result

Adon Olam


You’ve been searching for meaning, yet you are coming up empty-handed. Much of the religious dogmas...

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Only available in Israel at We are in danger, says Rabbi Sacks, of forgetting what...

As the rabbi of a Sephardic synagogue for over twenty years, Rabbi Haim Jachter, who is...

In this volume, Rabbi Aharon Lichtenstein explores the development of the religious personality. He advocates a...

The Lubavitcher Rebbe’s colossal achievements in the service of world Jewry are well known. From his...

Rabbi Dr. Eliezer Berkovits has long been acknowledged as one of the most erudite Jewish philosophers...

Rabbi Dr Eliezer Berkovits’s Faith after the Holocaust – recognized as a classic immediately upon publication...

The starkly innovative spiritual and educational approach of Rabbi Shimon Gershon Rosenberg (known as Rabbi Shagar)...



Religious Zionists are an increasingly influential part of Israeli society, and their influence is felt across...

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“It is more important to me to explain a [philosophical] principle than any other thing that...

Can we prove that God exists, and if we can’t, why should we believe? What must...

“It is more important to me to explain a [philosophical] principle than any other thing that...

Serial entrepreneur Howard Jonas has been creating successful enterprises since the age of fourteen, when he...

The 21st Century has seen a dramatic increase in the number of books published on practical...

In a post-modern world, where identities blur and traditions give way to globalization, "why be Jewish?"...

In Judaism Straight Up, Moshe Koppel explores the central differences between traditional societies – including traditional...

The issue of Judaism’s relationship to wisdom derived from non-Jewish sources has been one of the...

What is the essence of kedusha (sanctity)? What is the difference between the kedusha of Shabbat,...

Key to the Locked Garden offers the reader teachings and instructions for Shabbat observance that once...

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Available in Israel Only on היום, יותר מבעבר, עלינו לחפש — כל דת בדרכה שלה...

How do people progress from despair to hope? How does one maintain faith in God’s justice...



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Layers is a collection of over thirty personal narratives featuring the challenges and triumphs of Jewish women...

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Available in Israel Only on בספר זה כונסו יחד קרוב לשבעים מאמרים שנכתבו על ידי...

Showing 1 - 24 of 67 result