BaḤazara LaḤayim

BaḤazara LaḤayim

Author: Sherri Mandell

ISBN: 9789655261585

This is the HEBREW edition of The Road to Resilience: From Chaos to Celebration.

Sherri Mandell lost her son under difficult circumstances. As a result, she embarked on a journey of learning, exploration, and discovery about crises and our ability to grow from them. She found that the most challenging moments in our lives do not have to lead only to breakdown and suffering. Through personal experience, she learned that trauma and pain hold within them a rare opportunity to make our lives deeper and more meaningful, to strengthen our connections with others and become an improved and extraordinary version of ourselves.

In this book, the author presents her insights in a touching, compelling, and powerful way – above all, with honesty. The book does not sugarcoat suffering or paint pain in rosy colors; instead, it addresses them with sensitivity and through a deep Jewish perspective. BaḤazara LaḤayim focuses on bereavement, but it can help anyone who has experienced trauma – whether a painful divorce, coping with illness, caring for a child with disabilities, or any other upheaval that demands resilience.

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Language Hebrew
Author Sherri Mandell
Binding Paperback
Number of Pages 172