Founded in the early 2000's, Maggid Books quickly became one of the foremost publishers of Jewish thought. 
Maggid Books is the proud publisher of authors such as Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks zt"l, Rabbi Adin Even-Israel Steinsaltz zt"l, Sivan Rahav-Meir, Dr. Erica Brown, Dr. Yael Zeigler, Rabbi Shalom Rosner, Rabbi J.B. Soloveitchik, Rabbi Aharon Lichtenstein, and dozens more.
Publishing on topics ranging from Jewish thought and philosophy, halakha, the weekly, parasha, the Holidays, Hassidut, and more. 

In furthering its mission to produce the highest standard of Jewish texts, Maggid Books have also instituted the Maggid Studies in Tanakh Series (along with the Maggid Tanakh Companion Series) which bring modern literary analysis techniques to the study of the Bible, juxtaposing classical commentaries with modern scholarship to revolutionize the way we understand Tanakh as a whole. 

Maggid Books also created the Maggid Modern Classics Series which collects some of the core texts of modern Jewish thought from thinkers such as Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik, Rav Shagar, and Rabbi Avraham Isaac HoKohen Kook, to preserve these classic works for future generations and to bring, heretofore unpublished or untranslated, works to light. 

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For Sivan Rahav-Meir, the Torah is a fountain of wisdom for relationships, education, government, finances, self-growth,...

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Only available in Israel at We are in danger, says Rabbi Sacks, of forgetting what...

The thirst for spirituality and meaning is a defining characteristic of our times. A societal shift...

Brit HaAhava VehaShalom brings together a selection of Rabbi Shmuel Mohliver's writings, combined with a comprehensive...

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Available in Israel Only on B’Lev Patuach (‘With an Open Heart’) was born following a...

Rabbi Sacks Classics Library Project In this pioneering study of Jewish thought, Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacksaddresses...

HEBREW How to talk to our children about sexuality? How does the Torah of Israel view...

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Available in Israel Only on גישת התמורות מציעה דרך חדשה להתבוננות בחוקי התורה ובאופן מסירתם,...

El rabino Lord Jonathan Sacks ofrece un comentario original, refrescante y perspicaz de la Hagada Koren,...

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Available in Israel Only on "הסיפור שיסופר פה הוא סיפורה של התודעה האנושית, ויכולתה לעשות...

Avraham Yehoshua Heschel (1907-1972) was known as a Jewish-American philosopher and social activist, but he saw himself...

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Hi Sichati


Available in Israel Only on הקריאה להחזיר את התנ"ך לבית המדרש עשתה מהפכה וכיום שיעורי...

This beautifully illustrated history book is the first volume to be published in a planned six-volume...

This guide accompanies the first volume in a planned six-volume This beautifully illustrated history series directed at Jewish...

This is the Hebrew Edition. For English please click here. החיפוש הגובר אחר רוחניות הוא מסממני הזמן...


L'Raphe Olam Shavur

$5.00 $19.95

Available in Hebrew Only מה קושר אותנו לילדים רעבים באפריקה או לקורבנות רעידת אדמה בהאיטי? מה...

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Available in Israel Only on כשהדת הופכת אנשים לרוצחים, אלוהים בוכה".בספרו רב־המכר ׳לאב שם האל׳...

Hebrew Only The world around us is looking for love, but believes wholeheartedly that the institution...



A free society is a moral achievement. Over the past fifty years in the West this truth...



Jewish history recognizes Nehemiah as one of the founding fathers of the Second Commonwealth, when the...

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Available in Israel Only on What do we know about our soul? Is it trying to...

One People?


One People?, first published in 1993, examines ways of mending the schisms between Reform and Orthodox...

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Available in Israel Only on פנים אל פנים מציג קריאות עומק של שתים־עשרה אגדות חז"ל,...

Patterns in Jewish History is Rabbi Berel Wein's masterful history of the Jewish people. Through the...

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