Showing 25 - 48 of 116 result

For decades, Koren’s combination Siddur-Humash has been a favorite in Israel. For the first time this...

Talks on the Parasha recreates the warm, intimate atmosphere of a personal encounter with Rabbi Steinsaltz. While...

This collection makes Rabbi Jonathan Sacks' brilliant essays on the weekly Torah portion available in book...

Insights on the Weekly Parasha (Bereshit-Shemot) Shalom Rav is a compilation of Rabbi Shalom Rosner’s inspiring and...

Leviticus is not an easy book to read. It presents topics that seem arcane to the...

Mikra and Meaning is a collection of essays by a leading Bible teacher who employs a...

Derashot Ledorot: Exodus, A Commentary for the Ages is a selection of essays on the book...

Derashot Ledorot: Genesis, A Commentary for the Ages is a selection of essays on the book...

The Goldman Edition of Genesis A ground-breaking new Tanakh. The Koren Tanakh of the Land of...

A groundbreaking new Humash for young adults, featuring all-new commentary by Rabbi Shlomo Einhorn and Rabbi...

Derashot Ledorot: Deuteronomy, A Commentary for the Ages is a selection of essays on the book...

Between 1952 and 1976, a young, erudite synagogue rabbi named Norman Lamm captivated his congregants with...

Derashot Ledorot: Leviticus, A Commentary for the Ages is a selection of essays on the book...

This all-in-one Shabbat edition offers the entire tefilla service for Shabbat – from Friday minha to...

Developing emuna, or faith in God, is extraordinarily challenging in our day. Emuna may have sat...

The Koren Shabbat Humash presents all the Shabbat texts in one handy volume: parashot and haftarot...

A groundbreaking new Humash for young adults, featuring all-new commentary by Rabbi Shlomo Einhorn and Rabbi...

What are we to learn from the narratives in the Torah? A walking, talking snake. A...

A groundbreaking new Humash for young adults, featuring all-new commentary by Rabbi Shlomo Einhorn and Rabbi...

In the Beginning: Discourses on Chasidic Thought is a journey through the Book of Genesis by...

The characters of the Bible are some of the best known in all of history, art...

A groundbreaking new Humash for young adults, featuring all-new commentary by Rabbi Shlomo Einhorn and Rabbi...

For decades, Koren’s combination Siddur-Humash has been a favorite in Israel. For the first time this...

The Koren Shabbat Humash presents all the Shabbat texts in one handy volume: parashot and haftarot...

Showing 25 - 48 of 116 result