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#Parasha - paperback

$15.96 $19.95

For Sivan Rahav-Meir, the Torah is a fountain of wisdom for relationships, education, government, finances, self-growth,...

In time for the 50th anniversary of the awarding of the Nobel Prize to SY Agnon...

The Erez Series, A Concise Guide to Halakha is a brief, modern presentation of practical halakha...

The Erez Series, A Concise Guide to Mahshava contains an anthology of passages that address profound...

Rabbinic literature is called the “Oral Law,” because it is not found in the text of...


The foundational text of Judaism, the Five Books of Moses, has been read, studied, and interpreted...

Enjoy this rare collection of Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz's lectures, articles, and personal writing, in which Rabbi...

What makes a belief or a lifestyle rational? How much evidence do you needbefore deciding to...

Abortion, stem-cell research, conversion standards, female rabbis, DNA testing, animal cruelty, civil marriages in Israel. While...

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This concise and useful work on hilkhot kashrut is specially crafted for the modern Jewish home....



A fascinating look at Abraham, the founder of the Israelite nation, and largely considered the originator...

And This Is the Light, is the first English edition of Lea Goldberg's only novel, published...

In this groundbreaking work, Rabbi Dr Joshua Berman turns a fresh and critical eye on issues...

The Koren Ani Tefilla Shabbat Siddur is an engaging and thought-provoking siddur for the inquiring high...

The Koren Ani Tefilla Camp Siddur is an engaging and thought-provoking siddur for the inquiring teen...

The Koren Ani Tefilla Weekday Siddur is an engaging and thought-provoking siddur for the inquiring high...

HEBREW EDITION One of the most fraught points of interaction between Jewish law and modern life...

In this volume, the second in the Avo Beitekha responsa series, Rabbis David and Avraham Stav...

A personal account of twentieth-century Jewish history, Balaam’s Prophecy tells the story of Naphtali Lau-Lavie, a...

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Available in Hebrew only. הספר ביתהמקדשבירושליםסוקר בהידור רב מעט מיופיו ומהדרו של המקדש בירושלים, בעת שעמד...


Biblical Images

$18.36 $22.95

The characters of the Bible are some of the best known in all of history, art...

This Haggada is based on one of the oldest extant haggadot in the world: the Bird's...

The Mesorat HaRav Birkon is a singular companion for the blessings and rituals of Shabbat and...

This volume collects ten of Rabbi Soloveitchik’s studies on prayer, based on edited transcripts of public...

Showing 1 - 25 of 765 result