Rabbi J David Bleich

Rabbi J David Bleich

Rabbi J. David Bleich is a Rosh Yeshiva and Rosh Kollel le-Hora’ah at the Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary, Professor of Law at the Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law and Herbert and Florence Tenzer Professor of Law and Ethics at Yeshiva University. He has served as visiting Gruss Professor at the University of Pennsylvania School of Law. He is the author of the acclaimed six-volume series, Contemporary Halakhic Problems, as well as Judaism and HealingProvidence in the Philosophy of Gersonides, Bircas Ha-Chammah, Time of Death in Jewish Law, a four-volume Hebrew series, Be-Netivot Ha-Halakhah, and a two-volume work, Bioethical Dilemmas: A Jewish Perspective. He is also editor of With Perfect Faith and co-editor of Jewish Bioethics.

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