Rabbi Dr. Aaron Levine

Rabbi Dr. Aaron Levine

RABBI DR. AARON LEVINE, of blessed memory, was the Samson and Halina Bitensky Professor of Economics at Yeshiva University, as well as a pulpit rabbi for nearly thirty years. A leading authority on Jewish commercial law, he published widely on the interface between economics and Jewish law, especially as it relates to public policy and modern business practices. A Phi Beta Kappa graduate of Brooklyn College, Rabbi Levine earned his PhD in Economics from New York University and was ordained in Jewish civil and ritual law at the Rabbi Jacob Joseph School. He was a member of the World Jewish Academy of Science and a recipient of the Irving M. Bunim Prize for Jewish Scholarship. In 1982, Rabbi Levine was respondent to Nobel laureate Milton Friedman in the Liberty Fund symposium on the Morality of the Market.

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Seasons of Nobility is a selection of Rabbi Dr Levine’s sermons on the Jewish holidays and...


Vol 1 Genesis & Exodus Spirit of Nobility is a selection of Rabbi Dr. Aaron Levine’s sermons...


Vol II  Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy Spirit of Nobility is a selection of Rabbi Dr. Aaron Levine’s sermons...

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