Rabbi Berel Wein is a widely recognized expert on Jewish history, which he has popularized through lectures, books, seminars, television and radio appearances, and films. A former lawyer and pulpit rabbi and Founder of Yeshiva Sha’arei Torah, Suffern, NY, Rabbi Wein has received numerous awards, including, most recently, the Torah Prize Award from Machon Harav Frank, Jerusalem, for his teaching achievements. Rabbi Wein is Founder and Director of the Destiny Foundation.
Rabbi Berel Wein – rabbi and historian, writer and lecturer, kashrut supervisor and rosh yeshiva –...
The Koren Yom Ha’Atzmaut Mahzor is the first-ever English-Hebrew prayer book for Israel’s national holidays. It...
The Koren Yom HaAtzma’ut Mahzor is the first-ever English-Hebrew prayer book for Israel’s national holidays. It...
Written by historian Rabbi Berel Wein, The Oral Law of Sinai is an extraordinary and beautifully illustrated...
In Vision & Valor, Rabbi Berel Wein traces the development of the Talmud, the record of...
The books of the twelve prophets known as the Trei Asar span hundreds of years, from...
Exploring the wisdom of the great sages of Lithuania, The Legacy presents a moral and spiritual...
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