Tradition in an Untraditional Age, first published in 1990, explores thechallenges of secularization, assimilation and antisemitism,...
Halakha is the all-encompassing source of normative Jewish conduct, and values and ethics are among Judaism’s...
In Vision & Valor, Rabbi Berel Wein traces the development of the Talmud, the record of...
Managing decisions can be a significant source of stress, worry, and regret. In What Do You...
For decades, thousands from around the world gathered to join Rabbi Yehuda Amital zt”l as he...
The Jewish people, having survived for thousands of years in the most adverse circumstances, including the...
In face of the age-old slander against Jewish business ethics, noted economist and rabbinic scholar Meir...
Charting the fifty-day count of the Omer between the two holidays, Senator Joe Lieberman – together...
Available in Israel Only on עוף החול ששהה עם נוח בתבה, הגריפון של שלמה המלך, הדרקון...
In this groundbreaking work, Rabbi Dr Joshua Berman turns a fresh and critical eye on issues...
Available in Israel Only on הקריאה לתפילה היא קריאה לחיים, קריאה להיפתח אל קול הרוחש עמוק...
Available in Israel Only on מחיר השקה הקריאה לתפילה היא קריאה לחיים, קריאה להיפתח אל קול...
Available in Hebrew Only. שלוש פעמים ביום אומרים יהודים בכל העולם שמונה עשרה ברכות עתיקות, ולמרות...
Available in Hebrew Only. ,שלוש פעמים ביום אומרים יהודים בכל העולם שמונה עשרה ברכות עתיקות, ולמרות...
This volume of The Steinsaltz Tanya comprises two sections from the Tanya: Sha’ar HaYihud VeHa’emuna and...
Iggeret HaKodesh, or “The Holy Epistle,” is the fourth section of the Tanya. It comprises 32...
Iggeret HaKodesh, or “The Holy Epistle,” is the fourth section of the Tanya. It comprises 32...
En el primer capítulo del Génesis, la Torá nos está diciendo algo radical. La realidad por...
Masterfully illuminating the timeless wisdom of the Geonim and ancient sages of Sepharad, alongside the works...
Available in Hebrew Only. כשהיינו ילדים ידענו "לעשות את עצמנו": השתנינו בלי סוף, פשטנו ולבשנו צורה...
Embark on an extraordinary journey to discover the stories of daring Jewish women, past and present,...
“There is such a thing as an ecology of hope, and it lies in restoring to...
Meir Soloveichik begins this work with a sweeping statement: The Jewish calendar is a key that...