Showing 1 - 24 of 98 result

This anthology brings together the most important works of three Jewish philosophers of the Middle Ages....

Enjoy this rare collection of Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz's lectures, articles, and personal writing, in which Rabbi...

What makes a belief or a lifestyle rational? How much evidence do you needbefore deciding to...



A fascinating look at Abraham, the founder of the Israelite nation, and largely considered the originator...

Adon Olam


You’ve been searching for meaning, yet you are coming up empty-handed. Much of the religious dogmas...

In this groundbreaking work, Rabbi Dr Joshua Berman turns a fresh and critical eye on issues...

This volume collects ten of Rabbi Soloveitchik’s studies on prayer, based on edited transcripts of public...

The Jews have ever been a people molded by the written word. It is no coincidence,...

In this volume, Rabbi Aharon Lichtenstein explores the development of the religious personality. He advocates a...

When did Rosh HaShana, the anniversary of creation, become a day of judgment? How does Yom...

Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz – renowned scholar, philosopher and spiritual guide – here reveals the essence of...

Includes all 11 volumes. If you would like to select individual volumes instead, you may do so below....

Rabbi Sacks Classics Library Project In this pioneering study of Jewish thought, Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacksaddresses...

Dialogues of Love and Fear is a work of imagination and insight that addresses fraught issues...



Ecclesiastes (in Hebrew, Kohelet) has long been viewed as the great existential work of the Hebrew...

The Lubavitcher Rebbe’s colossal achievements in the service of world Jewry are well known. From his...

The Book of Esther has inspired and impacted the American project since its very inception. Rabbis...

Rabbi Dr Eliezer Berkovits’s Faith after the Holocaust – recognized as a classic immediately upon publication...

The starkly innovative spiritual and educational approach of Rabbi Shimon Gershon Rosenberg (known as Rabbi Shagar)...


Rabbi Yerachmiel Michael Tilles is the famed storyteller of Ascent of Safed where he has been...

The vast and vibrant world of biblical commentary has, over the generations, shaped not only our...

In this volume’s opening essay, Rabbi Soloveitchik writes: Nowadays a basic investigation of morality and ethos...

Click here for Hilkhot Nashim Vol II The Hilkhot Nashim series presents an in-depth review of...

Few commandments are as challenging as prayer. The tensions between human limitations and God's infinity, self-assertion...

Showing 1 - 24 of 98 result