Founded in the early 2000's, Maggid Books quickly became one of the foremost publishers of Jewish thought. 
Maggid Books is the proud publisher of authors such as Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks zt"l, Rabbi Adin Even-Israel Steinsaltz zt"l, Sivan Rahav-Meir, Dr. Erica Brown, Dr. Yael Zeigler, Rabbi Shalom Rosner, Rabbi J.B. Soloveitchik, Rabbi Aharon Lichtenstein, and dozens more.
Publishing on topics ranging from Jewish thought and philosophy, halakha, the weekly, parasha, the Holidays, Hassidut, and more. 

In furthering its mission to produce the highest standard of Jewish texts, Maggid Books have also instituted the Maggid Studies in Tanakh Series (along with the Maggid Tanakh Companion Series) which bring modern literary analysis techniques to the study of the Bible, juxtaposing classical commentaries with modern scholarship to revolutionize the way we understand Tanakh as a whole. 

Maggid Books also created the Maggid Modern Classics Series which collects some of the core texts of modern Jewish thought from thinkers such as Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik, Rav Shagar, and Rabbi Avraham Isaac HoKohen Kook, to preserve these classic works for future generations and to bring, heretofore unpublished or untranslated, works to light. 

Showing 51 - 75 of 264 result

The Book of Esther has inspired and impacted the American project since its very inception. Rabbis...

The Book of Esther takes us to the heart of destiny moments: a beautiful but unlikely...

What does it mean to fight an ethical war? This has become an essential question as...

In this second volume of Parsha Companions, Rabbi David Fohrman delves into the biblical text, asking...

The prophet Ezekiel speaks from a unique perspective: he resides in Babylonia, yet laments the destruction...

Rabbi Dr. Eliezer Berkovits has long been acknowledged as one of the most erudite Jewish philosophers...

Rabbi Dr Eliezer Berkovits’s Faith after the Holocaust – recognized as a classic immediately upon publication...

The starkly innovative spiritual and educational approach of Rabbi Shimon Gershon Rosenberg (known as Rabbi Shagar)...

Lashon HaRa in Contemporary Culture In False Facts and True Rumors, Rabbi Daniel Feldman undertakes the...

From This World to the Next is a comprehensive guide to Jewish mourning unlike any other....

The Gemara Card is a new innovation for Gemara learners at all levels. Created in partnership...

In this first of five Parsha Companions, Rabbi David Fohrman delves into the biblical text, asking...

Rabbi Dr Zvi Grumet explores the Book of Genesis in search for answers to the fundamental...

A wide-ranging collection of essays inspired by the Book of Ruth. In this volume, contemporary scholars,...

Grammar for Gemara and Targum Onkelos: an Introduction to Aramaic, by Yitzhak Frank, is an exceptional...



Ḥadarav is a collection of Rav Kook’s most intimate writings. Drawn from his personal notebooks written...

Seder night is the night when the gates of heaven open and God carries us'On the...

כל ישראלי בכל דור ודור מדגיש לעצמו, לילדיו, ולנוכחים אצלו בשולחן ליל הסדר, שעם ישראל שהתחיל...

Babylonia fell and the Temple was rebuilt, miracles were at once present and hidden − but...

In this volume’s opening essay, Rabbi Soloveitchik writes: Nowadays a basic investigation of morality and ethos...

Halakha cannot be studied in a vacuum, but must be analyzed in light of its historical,...

Halakha cannot be studied in a vacuum, but must be analyzed in light of its historical,...

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Available in Israel Only on רבים מאלה שזכו לעמוד מול הרבי חשו שמעמד זה טבע...

Embark on an odyssey into the enchanting realms of Hasidism. Hasidic Relics: Cultural Encounters invites you...

Available in Hebrew Only Includes:  Likutei Amarim volume ALikutei Amarim volume BShaar Hayihud Vehaemuna+Igeret Hateshuva With...

Showing 51 - 75 of 264 result