Jordan Gorfinkel

Jordan Gorfinkel

Jordan B. Gorfinkel – Gorf – is a cartoonist, musician, writer, producer and proud husband and father of four children. For nearly a decade Gorf was a manager of the Batman franchise at DC Comics, where his creations serve as inspiration for television, film, games and more. Gorf’s creative studio, Avalanche Comics Entertainment, produces custom content for corporations, nonprofits and entertainment companies. As a cartoonist, Gorf draws, the weekly comic strip featured in newspapers and online. His Jewish Cartoon Workshop, for schools and camps, gets participants of all ages and backgrounds drawing comics about the Torah portion of the week and other Jewish themes, which he then collects into a comic book for everyone to enjoy and learn from. Gorf serves as a speaker and artist-in-residence for synagogues, Passover retreats and fundraising events.

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Passover Haggadah Graphic Novel is a collaboration between acclaimed Batman comics creator and Jewish cartoonist Jordan...

The Passover Haggadah Graphic Novel is a collaboration between acclaimed Batman comics creator and Jewish cartoonist...

Vive todo el suspenso, intriga, redención y humor que ha cautivado a generaciones, mientras Ester cobra...

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This is the HEBREW ONLY edition Experience all the suspense, intrigue, redemption, and humor that has...

Experience all the suspense, intrigue redemption and humor that has captivated generations of Purim holiday celebrants...

The future of the Kingdom of Yisrael hangs in the balance. Yona is tasked with a...

This is the HEBREW ONLY edition The future of the Kingdom of Yisrael hangs in the...

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