The Noé Edition Koren Talmud Bavli Prize Winners: The Unboxing

The Noé Edition Koren Talmud Bavli Prize Winners: The Unboxing

  • Jan 14, 2020
Last month the Accidental Talmudist, Sal Litvak, partnered with us to do a giveaway of the complete 42 volume set of The Noé Edition Koren Talmud Bavli and Nachum Boudilovsky of Telmon, Israel was named as the lucky winner. Nachum and his family recently received their complete set and wanted to share their excitement with Koren Publishers fans! Enjoy the Boudilovsky's unboxing video and share your own with us by tagging @KorenPublishers on social media! Don't have a set yet? Get yours today by clicking here!