2018 Top 10 Bestsellers

2018 Top 10 Bestsellers

  • Dec 23, 2018
bestsellers2018 banner 2018 has been a busy year for us at Koren Publishers. We're now the umbrella publishing house for 5 (yes, FIVE) imprints: Koren, Maggid Books, Menorah Books, Ofeq Institute and The Toby Press which means we've published more titles this year than EVER before! We’re thrilled to have partnerships with leading organizations such as The Steinsaltz Center, the Rabbinical Council of America, Yeshiva University, Israel 365, the OU Press, Yeshivat Har Etzion, and more. Our partnerships have not only increased the quantity of our publications but, more importantly, the quality has gotten better also. With the calendar year coming to close, we're taking a look back at our top 10 bestsellers. If you haven't seen these books, pick up your copy today online or at your local Jewish bookstore. The Koren NCSY Siddur is part of the Magerman Educational Siddur Series, a multi-volume body of Siddurim designed to revolutionize the way young people are connecting to tefilla. This particular volume, with weekday and Shabbat tefillot, is a collaboration between Koren and NCSY, the youthwingof the Orthodox Union and bridges the educational precepts of The Koren Youth Siddur (for middle school ages) with the goals of The Ani Tefilla Siddur for high school. Siddur Gimmel NCSY 3D Developed by Dr. Daniel Rose and Ms. Debbie Stone, the colorful pages of the NCSY Siddur showcase an innovative commentary, reflection questions, color photos for inspiration, an FAQ section and much more. This Siddur will truly enhance your tefilla experience for middle school students and beyond. Tractate Menahot contains 100 pages, and was studied daily in the Daf Yomi cycle between August and the end of November. The Koren Talmud Balvi breaks up the tractate into two volumes – 35 and 36 – in the 42 volume set. menahot_ii_dy_3d_high_res Like the preceding volumes, it includes the traditional pagination of the famed Vilna edition, in clear Koren font, vowels, and punctuation. Rashi is also vowelized and punctuated. The bilingual section of this edition includes clear English translation, along with a treasure trove of supplementary information that explains the text, written by the remarkable Rabbi Adin Even-Israel Steinsaltz. The introductions and summaries, in addition to the color photos, maps, and notes make this edition the go-to for anyone who wants an in-depth engagement with the Talmud text. Get your set today & save 20%! The Israeli Bible 06 The Israel Bible is the world’s first Bible centered onthe Land of Israel, the People of Israel, and the dynamicrelationship between them. Designed for both Jewish andnon-Jewish readers alike, The Israel Bible offers a uniquecommentary that seeks to explain God’s focus on the Landof Israel alongside the original Hebrew text. This beautiful keepsake edition was released in honor of Israel's 70th year of independence. Published in cooperation with Israel365.
  • RCA Siddur Avodat HaLev

RCA Siddur 3d 02 The RCA's new Siddur Avodat HaLev is a full Siddur for Weekday, Shabbat, Festivals and Holidays. With its groundbreaking features the Siddur Avodat Halev has been the most talked-about Siddur this year and has already been adopted into many synagogues in the United States. Click here to see a detailed explanation of these innovative features. Youth Siddur Vibrantly illustrated, TheKoren Youth Sidduris designed for children in grades 3-5. Built on the foundation of the entire Koren Magerman Educational Siddur Series, TheKoren Youth Siddurforms a bridge between the early elementary grades and middle school. Like the other Siddurim in this series, every aspect of this new siddur is designed as the vehicle to help our children in meaning-making and emotional engagement with thetefillotand Hashem.The Educator's Companion guides teachers and parents through every page of the Siddur for optimal educational use. The Magerman Siddur series is now being used in over 100 Jewish schools around the world!Available in Nusah Ashkenaz & Nusah Sepharadim. Gemara Card_EN 720 glossary terms, 412 abbreviations, 52 conjugated verbs, 107 Sage, 27 Measurements. This colorful, laminated Gemara Card serves as a study aid for students when they need a quick reminder about basic Talmudic content. For those who value learning Gemara in its original text, without translation, the card provides many highlights from RabbiFrank's groundbreaking Talmud guides. Now being used in yeshivot across the United States and gap year programs throughout Israel! Steinsaltz Humash2 The Steinsaltz Humash the long-awaited English version of Rabbi Adin Even-Israel Steinsaltz’s pioneering translation and commentary on the Torah. Like his monumental translation and commentary of the entire Talmud, the new Steinsaltz Humash includes a treasure trove of information to make the text clear, fascinating, and relevant to users of all backgrounds. Here, Rabbi Steinsaltz includes introductions to each of the five books of Moses, short introductions to thematic sections, a "Background" section for matters of geographical, historical, and archeological interest and a "Discussion" section with in-depth textual, linguistic, and thematic analyses. With its crisp font and comprehensive translation, this edition offers broad context and understanding to all users – no wonder it's been selling like hotcakes! KSM final cover Based on the extremely popular Koren Sacks Siddur, The Lobel Edition Koren Shalem Siddur is an expanded Siddur that includes the entire contents of the Sacks Siddur along with all Torah readings with new translations for the Shalosh Regalim and Hol HaMoed, Hanukka, Purim, Yom Ha'atzmaut and Yom Yerushalayim, modern translations of the Five Megillot, personal tehinot, and more. Get ready for 2019: The Shalem Siddur is getting colorful!Here's a sneak peek of what awaits you in stores in February:
IMG_2985 The Shalem Siddur in colorful flex covers with Ma'alot edition thumb tabs - coming February 2019!
9789653019591 This new Mahzor combines the Tefillot for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur into one convenient volume. Save space on your bookshelf! This Mahzor features the translation and selected commentaries from Rabbi Jonathan Sacks, perfect for synagogues. Sacks Leadership 3D high res In this companion volume to his celebrated series Covenant & Conversation, Rabbi Jonathan Sacks mines the weekly Torah portions for insights into the nature of power, authority, and leadership. This volume contains essays on every parasha in the Torah.If you enjoy reading the parasha through a thematic lens, check out Rabbi Sacks’ other companion parasha volume Essays on Ethics.