In 2048: The Rejuvenated State, Ambassador Michael Oren sets out his vision for Israel in honor...
This collection of remarkably beautiful, daring, and often surprising poems is the first by Israeli poet...
ביקשו חכמים לגנוז את ספר קהלת מפני שדבריו סותרין זה את זה" (שבת ל ע"ב). אני...
HEBREW EDITION One of the most fraught points of interaction between Jewish law and modern life...
In this volume, the second in the Avo Beitekha responsa series, Rabbis David and Avraham Stav...
Available in Israel Only on We are in danger, says Rabbi Sacks, of forgetting what...
Available in Hebrew only. הספר ביתהמקדשבירושליםסוקר בהידור רב מעט מיופיו ומהדרו של המקדש בירושלים, בעת שעמד...
Available in Israel Only on B’Lev Patuach (‘With an Open Heart’) was born following a...
This sturdy, washable birkon sheet has been designed specifically for camps and schools in large format...
Available in Hebrew only רש"י העיד לימים כי לו היה עולה בידו, היה חוזר ומשנה את...
Available in Israel Only on Special gift set of all Hebrew Koren Siddur and Shabbat...
Available in Israel Only at Special gift set of all Hebrew Koren Siddur and Shabbat...
Available in Israel Only on Special gift set of all Hebrew Koren Siddur and Shabbat...
Available in Israel Only on The Torah was nearly complete, God’s word to Moses had...
Available in Israel Only on Drawing on their experiences guiding hundreds of couples through the...
HEBREW How to talk to our children about sexuality? How does the Torah of Israel view...
Available in Israel Only on How does she do it again? How does it grow...
Available in Israel Only on Lieutenant Hadar Goldin was a commander in an elite reconnaissance...
Ra’hel (Bluwstein) (1890-1931) published all her poetry under her first name only. She arrived in Palestine...
Available in Israel Only on גישת התמורות מציעה דרך חדשה להתבוננות בחוקי התורה ובאופן מסירתם,...
Grammar for Gemara and Targum Onkelos: an Introduction to Aramaic, by Yitzhak Frank, is an exceptional...
הגדה קורן לפסח מאוירת על ידי אמנים עם מוגבלויות בשיתוף עמותת שק"ל בעולם שהולך ונהיה אינדבדואליסטי...
Seder night is the night when the gates of heaven open and God carries us'On the...