First published in 2012, the award-winning novel The Wayward Moon tells the story of a young Jewish...
In this now-classic Holocaust memoir, The Yellow Star, Simcha Bunem Unsdorfer recounts his survival of the Nazi...
To read the poetry of Rivka Miriam is to view the world through the eyes of...
To This Day, one of Agnon’s last novels (first published in Hebrew in 1952), is also...
To This Day, one of Agnon’s last novels (first published in Hebrew in 1952), is also...
The volume’s title story, published here in English for the first time, tells of the epic...
Two newly revised translations from the Hebrew, with new and illustrated annotations, of two novellas by...
By the time of this death at the age of only 22, MZ Feierberg had written...
As we approach the first anniversary of October 7, we are offering 20% off to schools,...
Faith After October 7th In Morning Has Broken: Faith after October 7th, Erica Brown braids personalreflections...
Embark on an extraordinary journey to discover the stories of daring Jewish women, past and present,...