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Showing 49 - 57 of 57 result

Tractate Eiruvin analyzes the details of the rabbinic laws that apply to prohibited labor of carrying...

Tractates Arakhin and Temura  comprise the 40th volume of The Noé Edition Koren Talmud Bavli project. Like the preceding volumes,...

Tractate Karetot, Me'ila, Tamid, Middot, is the 41st volume of The Noé Edition Koren Talmud Bavli project. Like...

Tractate Nidda is the 42nd and final volume of The Noé Edition Koren Talmud Bavli project. Like...

Tractate Eiruvin analyzes the details of the rabbinic laws that apply to prohibited labor of carrying out...

Tractate Pesahim is classically divided into two sections. The first, tractate Pesah Rishon, discusses the laws...

Tractate Pesahim is classically divided into two sections. The first, tractate Pesah Rishon, discusses the laws...

Tractate Shekalim deals primarily with the finances and organization of the Temple. Based solely on content,...

Tractate Yoma deals with the Day, that unique day of the year, Yom Kippur. It stands apart...

Showing 49 - 57 of 57 result