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Hebrew Edition.  מאות שנים כתבו גדולי פרשני התורה את המדרשים והביאורים מתוך עיון במבנה הפסוקים והפרשיות....

This new edition includes:Complete Humash, Haftarot and translation by Rabbi Jonathan Sacks, tefillot for Shabbat and...



For Sivan Rahav-Meir, the Torah is a fountain of wisdom for relationships, education, government, finances, self-growth,...

An innovative addition to Koren's Educational Resources, the Color edition of the Humash with Rashi and...

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Available in Israel Only on Koren Publishers Jerusalem worked with a team of Amharic scholars...

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Hebrew Edition.  במשך מאות שנים כתבו גדולי פרשני התורה את המדרשים והביאורים מתוך עיון במבנה הפסוקים...

An innovative addition to Koren's Educational Resources, the Color edition of the Humash with Rashi and...

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Available in Israel Only on Special gift set of all Hebrew Koren Siddur and Shabbat...

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Available in Israel Only at Special gift set of all Hebrew Koren Siddur and Shabbat...

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Available in Israel Only on הספר, המבוסס על טורי פרשת השבוע של הרב סתיו מעיתון...

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The Koren Shabbat Humash presents all the Shabbat texts in one handy volume: parashot and haftarot...

This new edition includes:Complete Humash, Haftarot and translation by Rabbi Jonathan Sacks, tefillot for Shabbat and...

The way a person reads the Parasha is a reflection of their world. Rabbanit Michal Tikochinsky's derashot reflect...

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An innovative addition to Koren's Educational Resources, the Humash with Rashi and Onkelos is rich with...

Renowned for his dynamic approach to disseminating Torah, Rabbi David Stav is regarded as a trailblazer...

What is Judaism? A religion? A faith? A way of life? A set of beliefs? A...

No piensen que los líderes son diferentes al resto de nosotros. No lo son…Lo que diferencia a...

HEBREW EDITION In this companion volume to his celebrated series Covenant & Conversation, Rabbi Jonathan Sacks...

The Torah KePeshuta series offers a fresh, straightforward interpretation of the Torah. Through a careful examination...

A groundbreaking new Humash for young adults, featuring all-new commentary by Rabbi Shlomo Einhorn and Rabbi...



Can the mourning for the destruction of the Holy Temple still be relevant today? It seems...

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This new edition includes:Complete Humash, Haftarot and translation by Rabbi Jonathan Sacks, tefillot for Shabbat and...

After years of speaking and distributing them to tens of thousands in Israel and around the...

Showing 121 - 144 of 167 result