The Koren Sacks Weekday Siddur Sold Out

The Koren Sacks Weekday Siddur

The Lobel Edition

Author: Rabbi Jonathan Sacks

ISBN: 9789653017139

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The siddur exemplifies Koren's traditions of textual accuracy and intuitive graphic design, and offers an illuminating translation, introduction and commentary by one of the world's leading Jewish thinkers, Rabbi Jonathan Sacks. It is the only Orthodox siddur that includes: prayers for the state of Israel, its soldiers and national holidays, and a halakhic guide for visitors; prayers following childbirth and upon the birth of a daughter; a modern translation, and citations of modern authorities. Also includes prayers for the American and Canadian governments.

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Language Hebrew/English
Author Rabbi Jonathan Sacks
Binding Hardcover
Number of Pages 699
Size Compact (4 x 6 in)
Size (cm) 10,5cm x 15,5cm
Nusah Ashkenaz