Torah KePeshuta: Bemidbar

Torah KePeshuta: Bemidbar

Author: Prof. Eliyahu Assis

ISBN: 9789655263688

The Torah KePeshuta series offers a fresh, straightforward interpretation of the Torah. Through a careful examination of details, dividing each Torah portion into units, and considering them in their broader context, comprehensive questions arise about the purpose and meaning of the texts.

The Torah KePeshuta commentary continues the tradition of the great commentators while incorporating new literary approaches in reading and analysis. These are woven into a systematic, complete, and comprehensive discussion that presents readers with a refined and nuanced view of the text in accessible, engaging language.

Eliyahu Assis is a professor in the Tanakh Department at Bar-Ilan University and has authored books and articles on Joshua, Judges, Song of Songs, Joel, Haggai, and Malachi. He has served as the Dean of the Faculty of Jewish Studies and as Head of the Tanakh Department, was the rabbi of the Shaar HaShamayim Sassoon David Synagogue in London, and currently serves as the rabbi of the Ahavat Yisrael synagogue in Pisgat Ze’ev, Jerusalem.

The commentary on Bemidbar is the first volume to be published in the Torah KePeshuta series.

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Language Hebrew
Author Prof. Eliyahu Assis
Binding Hardcover
Number of Pages 516