Showing 193 - 216 of 336 result



In this fluent and penetrating study of the Book of Ruth, Yael Ziegler provides a masterful...

Sage Advice


The sages of the Mishna lived through one of the greatest transitions of Jewish history: the...

The heat of the Negev desert is captured in this collection of three novels by author-diplomat-historian...


Now you can enjoy, read and re-read, stories from Rabbi Yerachmiel Tilles’ famed repertoire. Saturday Night...

Seasons of Nobility is a selection of Rabbi Dr Levine’s sermons on the Jewish holidays and...

Seder Talk


One should approach the Passover Seder with imagination as well as intellect, according to award-winning author and educator...

Lea Goldberg was one of Israel's most beloved authors. Best known as a poet, she was...

Shalom Rav is a compilation of Rabbi Shalom Rosner’s inspiring and thought-provoking ideas on the weekly parasha. Selected and...

Insights on the Weekly Parasha (Bereshit-Shemot) Shalom Rav is a compilation of Rabbi Shalom Rosner’s inspiring and...

Insights on the Weekly Parasha (Vayikra-Bemidbar-Devarim). Shalom Rav is a compilation of Rabbi Shalom Rosner’s inspiring and...

Three times a day, Jews recite the Shemoneh Esrei, requesting that the Creator grant them knowledge...



Shira is Nobel laureate S.Y. Agnon’s final, epic novel. Unfinished at the time of his death...

No book in Jewish history has been illustrated more often than the Passover haggada. Signs and...

Vol 1 Genesis & Exodus Spirit of Nobility is a selection of Rabbi Dr. Aaron Levine’s sermons...

Vol II  Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy Spirit of Nobility is a selection of Rabbi Dr. Aaron Levine’s sermons...

 This stunning and inspiring work reintroduces Shabbat to those who have grown up with the holy seventh...

By the time of his death at age 31, Rabbi Eitam Henkin Hy”d had authored over...

Rabbi Jonathan Sacks on spirituality in the parasha, the latest book in the Covenant & Conversation series.WITH...

In Subversive Sequels in the Bible, master Bible teacher Judy Klitsner takes us on a thrilling...

Talks on the Parasha recreates the warm, intimate atmosphere of a personal encounter with Rabbi Steinsaltz. While...

The Talmud is a unique repository of debate among generations of Jewish sages. While we may...

Rabbi Berel Wein – rabbi and historian, writer and lecturer, kashrut supervisor and rosh yeshiva –...



The concept of teshuvah (return) occupies a central place in Judaism. More than a shift to...

The Five Megillot – the Song of Songs, Ruth, Lamentations, Ecclesiastes, and Esther – are among...

Showing 193 - 216 of 336 result