ביקשו חכמים לגנוז את ספר קהלת מפני שדבריו סותרין זה את זה" (שבת ל ע"ב). אני...
The Koren Classic Rosh HaShana Mahzor is the clearest and most accurate Mahzor available. Outstanding research...
The Koren Classic Rosh HaShana Mahzor is the clearest and most accurate Mahzor available. Outstanding research...
The clear font, clean graphic layout and elegant design of the Koren Classic Yom Kippur Mahzor...
Available in Israel Only on www.korenpub.co.il Drawing on their experiences guiding hundreds of couples through the...
Available in Israel Only on www.korenpub.co.il How does she do it again? How does it grow...
Seder night is the night when the gates of heaven open and God carries us'On the...
This unique Hebrew language Haggada introduces Ethiopian customs into the traditional Haggada as it tells the...
כל ישראלי בכל דור ודור מדגיש לעצמו, לילדיו, ולנוכחים אצלו בשולחן ליל הסדר, שעם ישראל שהתחיל...
Ruth, Naomi, Esther, Mordechai and the other figures of the five Megillot are brought to life...
This edition is published in HEBREW ONLY. Like his edition of the Talmud, The Steinsaltz Tanakh...
Available in Israel Only on www.korenpub.co.il אנחנו חיים בחברה מאותגרת שמחה. אנחנו מחפשים אחריה אבודים ביער...
Available in Israel Only on www.korenpub.co.il בכל אחד ואחת מאיתנו טמונים כוחות אדירים, ואם נדע לזהות...
Available in Israel Only on www.korenpub.co.il Yom HaAtzma'ut and Yom Yerushalayim are, in the words of...
Available in Israel Only on www.korenpub.co.il Yom HaAtzma'ut and Yom Yerushalayim are, in the words of...
Available in Israel Only on www.korenpub.co.il Yom HaAtzma'ut and Yom Yerushalayim are, in the words of...
Rabbi Lundin breathes life into the characters of Megillat Esther, who are revealed not only as...
Available in Israel Only on www.korenpub.co.il Rabbanit Yemima Mizrachi is one of Israel’s most influential women...
בהגדת מסורת הרב ישנה הצצה אל מקוריותה ואל זוהרה של תורתו של הרב סולוביצ׳יק, החושפת ממדים...
The Passover Haggadah Graphic Novel is a collaboration between acclaimed Batman comics creator and Jewish cartoonist...
In this fluent and penetrating study of the Book of Ruth, Yael Ziegler provides a masterful...
One should approach the Passover Seder with imagination as well as intellect, according to award-winning author and educator...
In this user-friendly Haggada, Rabbi Steinsaltz employs his renowned pedagogical skill and insight to explain the...
Available in Israel Only on www.korenpub.co.il Rabbi Menachem Froman’s unique language found its way into the hearts...