In To This Very Day, Rabbi Amnon Bazak, a leading figure in the contemporary renaissance of...
Torah Umadda analyzes and embraces the tension between Torah study and secular learning by exploring the philosophies...
Halakha is the all-encompassing source of normative Jewish conduct, and values and ethics are among Judaism’s...
In Vision & Valor, Rabbi Berel Wein traces the development of the Talmud, the record of...
For decades, thousands from around the world gathered to join Rabbi Yehuda Amital zt”l as he...
In face of the age-old slander against Jewish business ethics, noted economist and rabbinic scholar Meir...
Available in Israel Only on עוף החול ששהה עם נוח בתבה, הגריפון של שלמה המלך, הדרקון...
In this groundbreaking work, Rabbi Dr Joshua Berman turns a fresh and critical eye on issues...