This story is a classic of modern Jewish literature and modern Jewish thought. Since its appearance...
In an impoverished village in the White Russia, Raizel Shulman needs to find a way to save...
This collection of Brenner's work includes the novella Out of the Depths, as well as One...
S. Yitzhar (Yizhar Smilansky, 1916–2006) is considered one of Israel’s most illustrious writers. Yizhar reasserted his...
The heat of the Negev desert is captured in this collection of three novels by author-diplomat-historian...
Lea Goldberg was one of Israel's most beloved authors. Best known as a poet, she was...
Shira is Nobel laureate S.Y. Agnon’s final, epic novel. Unfinished at the time of his death...
נושאי הקמעות מלווים אותנו משחר ההיסטוריה. קמעות ששמרו על אישה הרה, לחשים שהגנו מפני כישוף, עין...
"You will dine with the Devil, Dan. You will do everything the Devil requires. Whatever it...
Storytelling has always been integral to Chassidism, the mystical Jewish movement that began in the early...
This is Agnon's first novel-length work, considered one of the first classics of modern Hebrew literature....
The Brothers Ashkenazi by I.J. Singer is a multi-generational saga set in the tumultuous backdrop of...
This volume contains Singer’s first three novels, Steel and Iron (1927), Yoshe Kalb (1932) and The Brothers Ashkenazi (1936). Steel and Iron, his...
In this volume, Singer’s two last novels, East of Eden (1938) and The Family Carnovsky (1940-1941), are followed by his...
Ezra Siman Tov is a simple storyteller who captivates his friends in the Nachla’ot neighborhood of...
Ezra Siman Tov is a simple storyteller who captivates his friends in the Nachla’ot neighborhood of...
The Family Carnovsky by I.J. Singer is a gripping novel that unravels the saga of the...
Abraham Mapu (1808–1867) is one of the first, and finest, Hebrew novelists. Heavily influenced by a...
A new volume of Nobel laureate S.Y. Agnon’s political satires, this volume contains: 1. A first-time...
The fifteenth and final volume in the S.Y. Agnon Library, this volume opens with “The Outcast,”...
The Princess of Dan is a journey of self redemption. One of the two main characters,...
Dan Miron offers nine insightful essays on the development of modern Hebrew literature in The Prophetic...
How do you grow from grief? How do the Jewish people continue on with strength despite...
The Scroll is a historical novel about the survivors of Masada. It draws from an authentic...
This representative volume of stories by Hazaz, spanning his career and interests, from the shtetl world,...