Showing 26 - 41 of 41 result

Special Discount Exclusively for Shluchim including FREE SHIPPING in the US and Canada. Special shipping rate...

נושאי הקמעות מלווים אותנו משחר ההיסטוריה. קמעות ששמרו על אישה הרה, לחשים שהגנו מפני כישוף, עין...

Storytelling has always been integral to Chassidism, the mystical Jewish movement that began in the early...

Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz takes readers on a journey of the soul through the teachings of Hasidic...

The Erez Series is comprised of the Concise Guides to the full gamut of Jewish thought,...

The bestselling author of A Tzaddik in Our Time: The Life of Rabbi Aryeh Levin now...

The Long Shorter Way is a major interpretation and exploration of Chasidism, based on a series...

Considered one of the most influential movements in modern Judaism, writers have speculated for decades about...

The Soul


What do we know about that mysterious entity called the soul? Occasionally, in the monotony of...

In this groundbreaking commentary on the Tanya,Rabbi Shneur Zalman of Liadi's classic work, Rabbi Adin Even-Israel...

In this groundbreaking commentary on the Tanya, Rabbi Shneur Zalman of Liadi's classic work, Rabbi Adin Even-Israel...

The first section of the Tanya, Likkutei Amarim, comprises fifty-three chapters. In The Steinsaltz Tanya, this...

This volume of The Steinsaltz Tanya comprises two sections from the Tanya: Sha’ar HaYihud VeHa’emuna and...

The Sustaining Utterance is a collection of Rabbi Adin Even-Israel Steinsaltz's oral teachings of the second book...

Rabbi Nachman’s Tales are considered the peak of his creative life for their form, content, and...

In this classic work of Jewish mystical thought, Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz explores the major questions asked...

Showing 26 - 41 of 41 result