Showing 251 - 275 of 361 result

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The Koren Rosh Hashana Mahzor with commentary is an all-Hebrew mahzor designed to enhance one’s tefilla...

The Koren Megillat Esther is illustrated by Ira Golub and Avraham Borshevsky.


The Koren Minha/Ma-ariv is a convenient, pocket-size booklet that includes the Minha and Ma'ariv weekday services...


This beautifully-designed edition of the Mishna features the brilliant commentary and encyclopedic notes by the prolific...


This beautifully-designed edition of the Mishna features the brilliant commentary and encyclopedic notes by the prolific...

The Presentation Tanakh is a special edition of The Koren Classic Tanakh designed for libraries and...

The Koren Reader’s Tanakh is the finest Tanakh available for public reading of the haftara. Its...

The Koren Reader’s Tanakh is a full Tanakh and is the finest Tanakh available for synagogue Haftara reading....

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The Koren Rosh Hashana Mahzor with commentary is an all-Hebrew mahzor designed to enhance one’s tefilla...


The Koren Rosh Hashana Mahzor with commentary is an all-Hebrew mahzor designed to enhance one’s tefilla...

The entire Selichot service in one volume. This new soft cover edition includes the piyyutim in...

The Koren Shabbat Humash presents all the Shabbat texts in one handy volume: parashot and haftarot...

The Koren Shabbat Humash presents all the Shabbat texts in one handy volume: parashot and haftarot...

The Koren Shabbat Humash presents all the Shabbat texts in one handy volume: parashot and haftarot...

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The Koren Shabbat Humash presents all the Shabbat texts in one handy volume: parashot and haftarot...

Designed in a durable soft cover, the Birkon Shir Tziyon features the full range of traditional...

For the last thirty years, The Koren Siddur has been the siddur of Israel. Now, for...


A full prayer book for Tisha B’Av, starting from the eve of Tisha B’Av, until the...

The Koren Siddur – 40th Anniversary Retro Limited Edition To celebrate the 40th anniversary of the publication...

The Koren Siddur – 40th Anniversary Retro Limited Edition To celebrate the 40th anniversary of the publication...

The Koren Siddur – 40th Anniversary Retro Limited Edition To celebrate the 40th anniversary of the publication...

The new complete Mishna with explanatory comments by Rabbi Adin Even Israel Steinsaltz zt”l. Following the...

This edition is published in HEBREW ONLY. Like his edition of the Talmud, The Steinsaltz Tanakh HaMevo'ar series...

This edition is published in HEBREW ONLY.  Complete series! The Steinsaltz Tanakh HaMevo'ar Series with commentary by...

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Available in Israel Only on Designed for students, this popularly-priced edition features the classic Vilna...

Showing 251 - 275 of 361 result