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The first booklet of Bava Kamma in the PAPERBACK edition of the Noé Edition Koren Talmud Bavli...

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The thirst for spirituality and meaning is a defining characteristic of our times. A societal shift...

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Available in Hebrew only. הספר ביתהמקדשבירושליםסוקר בהידור רב מעט מיופיו ומהדרו של המקדש בירושלים, בעת שעמד...

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The first booklet of Beitza in the PAPERBACK edition of the Noé Edition Koren Talmud Bavli in...

The second booklet of Beitza in the PAPERBACK edition of the Noé Edition Koren Talmud Bavli in full color.

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Uri Nissan Gnessin (1879-1913) is recognized as one of the fathers of modern Hebrew literature whose...

The characters of the Bible are some of the best known in all of history, art...

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This Haggada is based on one of the oldest extant haggadot in the world: the Bird's...

The Mesorat HaRav Birkon is a singular companion for the blessings and rituals of Shabbat and...

This volume collects ten of Rabbi Soloveitchik’s studies on prayer, based on edited transcripts of public...

The Jews have ever been a people molded by the written word. It is no coincidence,...

Yosef Haim Brenner (1881–1921) left behind an impressive and influential body of work, including short stories...


Bridging Traditions

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As the rabbi of a Sephardic synagogue for over twenty years, Rabbi Haim Jachter, who is...

Showing 49 - 72 of 1209 result