The Collected Works of Rabbi Yitzhak HaLevi Herzog - 2 volume set

The Collected Works of Rabbi Yitzhak HaLevi Herzog - 2 volume set

ISBN: 9781613292631

The extent of Rabbi Dr. Isaac Herzog’s writings is a testament to his erudition, his intellectual prowess, and his expertise. Rabbi Herzog wrote for a variety of audiences, including experts in rabbinical law, scholars of history,
philology, science, and jurisprudence, as well as the general public. These
volumes bring together a huge selection of his works, many of which have
never before been translated into English.

Volume I comprises three major sections: Hebrew Porphyrology, Rabbi Herzog’s doctoral dissertation on the subject of tekhelet; Judaism: Law & Ethics, contains a book of essays on subjects ranging from Jewish holidays
to the relationship between Judaism and Hellenistic culture; and The Main Institutions of Jewish Law, Rabbi Herzog’s magnum opus, is an account of rabbinical law in terms of modern jurisprudence.

Volume II comprises a first-time English translation of the three-volume Constitution and Law in a Jewish State According to the Halakha, a Hebrew collection of writings on questions of religion, democracy, and Jewish law
in the State of Israel.

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