Showing 126 - 150 of 167 result


The Koren Minha/Ma-ariv is a convenient, pocket-size booklet that includes the Minha and Ma'ariv weekday services...


This beautifully-designed edition of the Mishna features the brilliant commentary and encyclopedic notes by the prolific...


This beautifully-designed edition of the Mishna features the brilliant commentary and encyclopedic notes by the prolific...

The siddur exemplifies Koren's traditions of textual accuracy and intuitive graphic design, and offers an illuminating...

The entire Selichot service in one volume. This new soft cover edition includes the piyyutim in...

The Reid Family Edition Koren Seliḥot for the First Night -Minhag Lita features commentary by Rabbi...

Designed in a durable soft cover, the Birkon Shir Tziyon features the full range of traditional...


A full prayer book for Tisha B’Av, starting from the eve of Tisha B’Av, until the...

מסכת שקלים היא המסכת היחידה בסדר מועד שיש עליה תלמוד ירושלמי ואין עליה תלמוד בבלי. המסכת...

The Koren Talpiot Siddur is designed for American synagogues, minyanim and individuals seeking sophisticated Hebrew siddurim with...

With his modern and accessible English translation, Rabbi Eli Cashdan brings out the lyrical elegance of...

A number of major Hebrew authors, writing in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, had a...

The Night lasted five years and eight days.Before the Night began, Ernst Bornstein was a precocious...

Abraham Mapu (1808–1867) is one of the first, and finest, Hebrew novelists. Heavily influenced by a...

A new volume of Nobel laureate S.Y. Agnon’s political satires, this volume contains: 1. A first-time...

The fifteenth and final volume in the S.Y. Agnon Library, this volume opens with “The Outcast,”...

The Princess of Dan is a journey of self redemption. One of the two main characters,...

Dan Miron offers nine insightful essays on the development of modern Hebrew literature in The Prophetic...

The Scroll


The Scroll is a historical novel about the survivors of Masada. It draws from an authentic...

Considered one of the most influential movements in modern Judaism, writers have speculated for decades about...

This representative volume of stories by Hazaz, spanning his career and interests, from the shtetl world,...

Showing 126 - 150 of 167 result