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Available in Israel Only on גישת התמורות מציעה דרך חדשה להתבוננות בחוקי התורה ובאופן מסירתם,...

Grammar for Gemara and Targum Onkelos: an Introduction to Aramaic, by Yitzhak Frank, is an exceptional...

Seder night is the night when the gates of heaven open and God carries us'On the...

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This unique Hebrew language Haggada introduces Ethiopian customs into the traditional Haggada as it tells the...

כל ישראלי בכל דור ודור מדגיש לעצמו, לילדיו, ולנוכחים אצלו בשולחן ליל הסדר, שעם ישראל שהתחיל...

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Available in Israel Only on כשקלמן סמואלס, סטודנט קנדי בן 18, הגיע לישראל לביקור חטוף...

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Available in Israel Only on רבים מאלה שזכו לעמוד מול הרבי חשו שמעמד זה טבע...

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Available in Israel Only on בבוקר קיצי בשנת 2001 החליטו שני נערים בני שלוש-עשרה וארבע-עשרה...

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Available in Israel Only on "הסיפור שיסופר פה הוא סיפורה של התודעה האנושית, ויכולתה לעשות...

Avraham Yehoshua Heschel (1907-1972) was known as a Jewish-American philosopher and social activist, but he saw himself...

This edition is published in HEBREW ONLY. Like his edition of the Talmud, The Steinsaltz Tanakh HaMevo'ar series...

This edition is published in HEBREW ONLY. Like his edition of the Talmud, The Steinsaltz Tanakh...

This edition is published in HEBREW ONLY. Like his edition of the Talmud, The Steinsaltz Tanakh...

This edition is published in HEBREW ONLY. Like his edition of the Talmud, The Steinsaltz Tanakh HaMevo'ar series...

This edition is published in HEBREW ONLY. Like his edition of the Talmud, The Steinsaltz Tanakh...

This edition is published in HEBREW ONLY. Like his edition of the Talmud, The Steinsaltz Tanakh HaMevo'ar series...

This edition is published in HEBREW ONLY. Like his edition of the Talmud, The Steinsaltz Tanakh...

This edition is published in HEBREW ONLY. Like his edition of the Talmud, The Steinsaltz Tanakh...

This edition is published in HEBREW ONLY. Like his edition of the Talmud, The Steinsaltz Tanakh HaMevo'ar series...

This edition is published in HEBREW ONLY. Like his edition of the Talmud, The Steinsaltz Tanakh HaMevo'ar series...

This edition is published in HEBREW ONLY. Like his edition of the Talmud, The Steinsaltz Tanakh HaMevo'ar series...

This edition is published in HEBREW ONLY. Like his edition of the Talmud, The Steinsaltz Tanakh HaMevo'ar series...

This edition is published in HEBREW ONLY. Like his edition of the Talmud, The Steinsaltz Tanakh HaMevo'ar series...

This edition is published in HEBREW ONLY. Like his edition of the Talmud, The Steinsaltz Tanakh HaMevoar series...

Showing 25 - 48 of 362 result