The Koren Selihot Minhag Anglia

The Koren Selihot Minhag Anglia

ISBN: 9789657766675

Selihot with commentary by Rabbi JJ Schacter, adapted to Nusah Anglia. The commentary reviewed by Dayan Binstock

Seliĥot Minhag Anglia is in accordance with the nusaĥ that prevails in many communities in England, particularly in the United Synagogue.
The late Daniel Goldschmidt points out in his introduction to his scholarly editions of Seliĥot for Lita and Polin (Mosad HaRav Kook, 1965), that there were no less than thirteen different rites for Seliĥot in use in different parts of the Ashkenazi world. The three main customs that have remained are Lita, used in nusaĥ Ashkenaz communities in the US and Israel; Polin, used in nusaĥ Sepharad communities in the US and Israel; and Ungarin, used in England and some European and North American communities.

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