Rabbi Aviad Tabory

Rabbi Aviad Tabory

Rabbi Aviad Tabory is an instructor in Talmud and Halakha at Yeshivat Eretz HaTzvi in Jerusalem. He has also taught at numerous seminaries in Israel, including Orot, Midreshet Lindenbaum, and Midreshet HaRova.

Rabbi Tabory served as Rav Shaliach for Bnei Akiva in the United Kingdom and was the founding rabbi of Kehillat Alei Tzion in London. He has also served as Rosh Beit Midrash at Camp Stone, Rav on Machal, TVI, Moshava Indian Orchard, and Chinuch Director of Mach Hach.

He attended Yeshivat Or Etzion, Yeshivat Har Etzion and Herzog College, and serves a reservist in IDF Tank Corps.

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In this groundbreaking book, Rabbi Aviad Tabory addresses major halakhic issues that have confronted the State of...

What is kehuna? The term is often translated as “priesthood,” and the Jewish kohanim are indeed...

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